What does becoming a Good Dog Parents
Charity Partner entail?

As a Charity Partner, you play an essential role in advancing awareness of responsible dog parenting. By promoting our educational courses, you contribute to building a community of informed, compassionate dog parents. Charity Partners earn an elevated commission of 30% on all membership fees, as opposed to the standard 20%. You will receive a unique promotional code, enabling users to access the course at no charge. Upon course completion, users will also enjoy three months of complimentary membership to the American Dog Society, $30 course + $30 in free membership which equals $60 of value that charity parents can give to donors, supporters, adopters, volunteers, etc.

Charities will be provided with personalized registration links to share with potential users. For every registration and renewal, you will continue to earn a 30% lifetime commission. Charities can track their referrals and receive payments automatically, with no associated fees, hidden costs, or startup fees. Also provided at least one person completes the course per month, you are granted permission to use our ADS Charity Partner logo for promotional purposes.

Join now at no cost.

Benefits to Charity Partners

  • Keep more dogs in loving homes, reducing the number of dogs in need.
  • Reduce costs by decreasing intakes and generate income.
  • Earn 30% on all commission on Membership for lifetime of dog parent.

Benefits to Dog Parents

  • Gain peace of mind with guidance on dog care and behavior.
  • Save money and reduce stress with dog care knowledge.
  • Enjoy a stronger bond with your dog through effective training and care techniques.

Benefits to Dogs

  • Improved overall health through proper nutrition and exercise.
  • Increased likelihood of a longer, happier life.
  • Greater chance of remaining in a forever home.
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